• No! We welcome all students and encourage everyone to learn basic fundamental positioning and techniques. Our job is to teach you everything you need to know to be safe, succeed and have fun in our classes.

  • Everyone is welcome at Hood Rich Jiu Jitsu. We welcome drop-ins.

  • For the Gi classes, wear a Gi, your belt, and a rash guard.

    For No Gi - please wear rash guard and shorts/spats. No shoes, no socks.

    Please try and avoid shorts with zippers.

  • Competition is a personal choice and only the student can make the decision whether or not to compete. It does not matter to us if you do or do not compete - we are just happy to be able to train together!

  • Yes. If you are a beginner we will place you in a smaller group with a dedicated instructor so we can teach you the basics. When you are ready you will join the rest of the students in the main class.

  • Shoes and personal items go in the cubbies by the door.

    Please take them off as soon as you enter the gym.

    Please leave any valuables at home or in your car.

  • Photographs are fine - people like to capture the end of a good training session and post that to social media.

    We ask that you be respectful with regards to making sure that everyone in the photo is OK with being in the photo.

  • Please refrain from shooting videos at Hood Rich Jiu Jitsu unless you've received explicit consent from the instructor.

  • Photos are pretty normal - just make sure that the people who are in the photo are OK with you posting to social media. Videos are a lot more sensitive and we ask that you not post videos to social media without explicit consent from the instructor.

  • The rule of thumb here is be on the safe side. Jiu-Jitsu is a close contact sport and common colds can spread fast. Respect your training partners by staying home when you're sick.

  • Please go get it checked out! Many skin rashes are contagious and start off looking like no big deal. Please respect your partners and stay off the mats. If you are unsure please email us and we can discuss the situation.

  • After every session.

  • Absolutely!

  • Normally it's fine. Check with the instructor when you step on the mats and respect activities of where you’re joining.

  • Not really. Please respect the other members by maintaining a minimum level of civil decorum while at Hood Rich Jiu Jitsu.

  • Absolutely. We ask that you politely decline to train with people who you prefer not to train with. And if someone has politely declined to train with you, don't take it personally; Respect their preferences.